Mythical May Readathon Announcement


I’ve always wanted to participate in a readathon, but I either always find out about them too late, or I’m busy with school. So I made my own!

For the whole month of May I’ll be hosting the Mythical May Readathon. I don’t really know what I’m doing because I’ve never actually participated in a readathon, but I’ll be hosting reading sprints on Twitter and posting weekly updates on here throughout the month.

Everything is loosely based on Greek mythology because I didn’t feel comfortable basing things off other cultures’ legends, but I tried to make things fit general themes I’ve seen in other mythologies. The logo for the readathon (hand-drawn by me and then edited in Paint 3D) takes inspiration from other mythologies and legends.

The nice thing is that there are no rules. This readathon is designed to give people with a similar university schedule to me (as in exams end in April) to whittle down their TBRs. I came up with a few challenges to earn “bonus books”, and I have levels to shoot for that match the theme,  but you don’t have to follow the challenges or have a goal in mind to participate.

The Challenges:

Myths Retold– read a retelling (+1 book)

Battling Beasts– read a book over 500 pages. (“bonus books” increase per book over 500 pages read (1 book read=+2 books, 2 books read= +4 books, 3 books read= +8 books, etc.))
Collection of myths– read an anthology or short story collection (+1 book)
Creation myths– read a historical book or an older backlist title (has been out for more than 5 years in any country) (+3 books)
Gifts of the Gods– read a book where magic is a feature (feel free to count the magic of friendships) (+1 book)
The Levels:
Hero– read 1-4 books
Demi-God– read 5-8 books
Member of the Pantheon– read 9- 20 books
Ruler of the Gods– read 21+ books
I also wanted to create a photo challenge; so I did! Here’s the graphic I made with the prompts (I am not skilled in the ways of design, so please be kind to me):
Mythic May Photo Challenge.png
I wanted to announce this with plenty of time for people to decide if they wanted to participate. If you’re going to take part in Mythical May I would love to hear about it. Feel free to use the logo and link back to this post if you’re participating. If you’re participating in the photo challenge or plan on talking about the readathon of Twitter and such, I would love it if you tagged everything with #flbmythicmay so I can see your posts easier. I’ll have a TBR post up before the readathon starts, but that’s it from me for now.

8 thoughts on “Mythical May Readathon Announcement

  1. Omigosh, this is so much fun, Moira!! I love it. I love how it’s a level system, and your prompts are so much fun. Sha and I have been doing so many readathons this year that I think we agreed to keep May free of readathons, but I know I will for sure have to reconsider. I will FOR SURE be participating in your photo challenge, though!! I have all of my posts lined up already, and I’m so pumped for it. Amazing idea, Moira! πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I am “hear hear”-ing to what Mandy said. I don’t have plans to read a lot in May, BUT this whole system may give me extra points if I can read one book over 500 pages!

    (also, I love the magic of friendship element!!)

    We are definitely doing the photo challenge though, expect that.

    Liked by 1 person

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