A Court of Wings and Ruin Book Review

A Court of Wings and Ruin.jpg

Number of pages: 699

Number of times read (including the time before this review): 1

Rating (out of five stars): 2

This was incredibly disappointing. I didn’t exactly have high expectations for A Court of Wings and Ruin, despite thoroughly enjoying A Court of Mist and Furry. I was more curious to see how Maas was going to end a series. This was supposed to convince me that purchasing two more Throne of Glass books is going to be worth it, not give me more doubts about Maas as a writer. I know in my heart that both Maas and A Court of Wings and Ruin had potential to be great, but I think the business of publishing has failed them both here.

A Court of Wings and Ruin feels very rushed. The pacing is all over the place, and the plot is nowhere near as intriguing as it thinks it is. The fact that my brain had enough time to frequently question for long stretches of time why I was still reading this monster of a book, tells me enough about my thoughts on the plot. It was very slow moving. If I’m going to read a book, I’d really like to be engaged while reading. I feel badly that Maas has to pump out two books a year to sate her ever growing fan base, but I can only judge what words she has written into sentences, not her situation.

The whole revenge plot was really terrible. It was the part that had me second guessing purchasing A Court of Wings and Ruin the most. Luckily, it reminded me just how dense Feyre is, since book two had me fooled according to my review. She takes credit for a thousand things that are pure luck, trying desperately to force the reader to believe she is the conniving puppet master we expected her to be. Three quarters of the people who regularly surrounded her when she was staying at the Spring Court, were on to her, but she was too busy telling us how masterful her plan was to notice.

Speaking of Feyre, she and Rhysand where the most disappointing characters in this book. Feyre nearly completely reversed all the growth her character went through in book two, and Rhysand seemed to only be there for moral support, with their relationship losing the spark it had in A Court of Mist and Furry. It really sucks when you would rather be following anyone but the two main characters. In fact, the only reason A Court of Wings and Ruin has earned two stars instead of one is the side characters, which makes me feel cheated, since special attention was probably paid to them because of the three book spinoff series coming our way (plus novellas I believe).

I don’t normally talk about diversity in my reviews, since it is my belief that congratulating authors on being diverse is the same as commending a historian or journalist for being factually accurate, but I like that Maas took the criticism from fans about the lack of diversity, and added some. She didn’t have to add diversity (we are not talking morally here), since as one of the biggest YA authors right now, her books would sell just fine without it. I commend her for doing better and not becoming defensive.

My one issue with the added diversity, however, is Mor’s confession to Feyre. It felt really forced and out of place, almost as if Maas realized she had written herself into a corner, and couldn’t use Deus ex Machina to fix the problem. I don’t have any problems with Mor being who she is, but I do take issue when diversity is used as what feels like a plot device.

I wasn’t a fan of the stereotypical fantastical battle scene that is so common in the final book in fantasy series to begin with, but the last hundred pages of so were the biggest example of an author using Deus ex Machina I have ever read. We’re talking bigger than when Hamlet is miraculously saved and returned to Denmark unscathed by pirates who know he has money on his persons. I would like to know, firstly, how on earth Feyre’s father knew what was going on and who to trust and get help from, secondly, how Miriam and Drakon knew what was happening, and thirdly, how on earth the thing with Rhysand (and Amren) at the end worked. Reading this ending was worse for me than finding out that the battle in Twilight didn’t actually happen and everyone was okay (to clarify, I was incredibly upset and angry that nobody died in that scene in Twilight).

Overall, A Court of Wings and Ruin was pretty mediocre, leaving me with doubts, and with only my love of the side characters having kept me entertained. A Court of Wings and Ruin has therefore earned 2 stars out of 5.

5 thoughts on “A Court of Wings and Ruin Book Review

  1. (Not reading the full review since I have, like, 150 pages to go in this book but I for sure will need to discuss with you after the fact. Because I am feeling for sure the same way. 2 is about the sum of what I’m feeling for this book, and I just can’t believe how downhill the series went. It really is the side characters that keep me going because I literally have no clue what I’m reading right now because it’s not the ACOWAR I signed up for. Okay…SUPER yay for not being alone but super sorry that it was as terrible as it was. Be expecting another comment from me when I finish because I’m sure I will be feeling the same way.)

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    1. I’m sorry your not enjoying it as well, but it is nice to have someone who shares your feelings on books, especially when they are surrounded by a ton of hype. I can’t wait to discuss it with you when you are finished with it.

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      1. Omigosh, Moira, it’s like we shared the same brain on this book. I literally thought all of the same things you said wonderfully.

        1) I totally thought Mor’s diversity was used as plot device as well. It felt like it literally came out of nowhere – literally out of nowhere since I’m pretty sure she was in a weird love triangle in ACOMAF – and then was just used to go, here you go. Here’s something. I’m so mad about that.

        2) THE PACING. It literally took what, 400 pages to do something about that mirror. I kept thinking, do they remember there is supposed to be getting a mirror? What about the mirror? Why is there STILL NO MIRROR? XD You can see my priorities. But I super agree. It was just soooooooooo slow. I had to keep putting it down.

        3) I super agree about Rhysand. He was literally just there to stand in the corner, I felt.I was like where is that complex guy from ACOMAF? Because he literally was just the guy patting Feyre on the head and going, oh, wait, hang on, guys, I have to do something self-sacrificing.

        4) Omigosh, you brought up the best point about Feyre. I didn’t think about her revenge plan like that, but you were literally so right. Literally she was like, OMG, BEST PLAN EVER. Everyone else: But we’re alllllll onto you (except Tamlin). Feyre: NO, SHUT UP. IT’S THE BEST PLAN EVER AND IT’S SUPER SECRETIVE.

        5) I will admit that the last 100 pages, I did feel like it had sort of gotten back to the series I enjoyed and the pacing picked up. But I think you brought up a lot of good points about the battle scene. Can we talk about the whole weird Cauldron thing? I didn’t get it. I didn’t get the point other than to give us some excuse to see Nesta/Elain/King/whatever thing go down. It was so random and I felt it was such a copout.

        Okay, this is really long. So I’m going to stop. XD But literally, ALL THE SAME THOUGHTS.

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      2. 1) You could tell Maas didn’t want Az and Mor to get together, but the whole reveal seems out of character. Mor could have simply not have been interested.
        2) I forgot that they did completely forgot about the mirror for hundreds of pages. The weirdest thing with that was how Feyre and Rysand were both these super self-sacrificing people, but they wouldn’t sacrifice themselves in order to save lives, by looking in the mirror.
        3) I just snorted in the middle of my school library (I have a spare period right now) at “…he literally was just the guy patting Feyre on the head and going, oh, wait, hang on, guys, I have to do something self-sacrificing”.
        4) I was sitting there the whole time waiting for this amazing revenge plan, and I was still waiting for it by the time I finished the book. She also doesn’t think about the effect her scheme will have on the rest of the Spring Court, or the war for that matter.
        5) The Cauldron’s magic has no rules. Apparently it can make fae, kill old gods, bring people back from the dead, find people, etc. I agree that Feyre’s Cauldron “vision” was strange. I think the whole Cauldron bit was designed to keep Feyre out of harms way, yet still progress the plot. It really took away the suspense from “who will survive this war?” Plot twist: the magic you thought had rules doesn’t, so everyone you care about lives.

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  2. 1) Super agree. I felt like it was a cop-out.
    2) Omigosh, you’re so right. I never thought about it that way. But it’s super true. The moment they thought they would actually have to sacrifice their mind, they were like, OH NO. THAT IS TOO MUCH. WE CAN’T DO THAT. XD Goodbye, characterization. It was nice knowing you? XD
    3) Ahahaha. XD Sorry. XD Poor Rhysand.
    4) YES. I was totally all excited for some twisty revenge, and then it ended up hurting their chances to actually win the war. And she was like, oh, um, oops? Sorry I disseminated your Court, but wanna help us? For it being the amazing revenge plan, it sure sucked. XD
    5) Huh. Interesting thought. I could totally see that. Because really, what did it do? The whole ending just blew my mind with it being used. But I do agree; it seemed to exist just to mess with the rules so there would be suspense but also fix everything in the end.

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